Hell Hath No Fury Records
Ten tracks of in-your-face hardcore here. This is stomping stuff, with vocals and drums going all-out on the attack, proper grutal stuff here.
‘La Razón’ opens with a build-up intro and quickly settles into a mid-paced piece, with a nice chuggy guitar break in the middle.
The pace accelerates with ‘Hoja Verde’ and ‘Noticias Podridas’, always on the right side of the speed limit without descnding into pure noise.
By the time you on to ‘Salte De Mi Mente’ or ‘La Marcha’ you’d be forgiven that they were part of an out-take session from The Fiend, with only the vocals giving the game away. Yes, it’s that tight and that good!
There aren’t many better ways to spend 25 minutes or so – go check them out and see what I’m getting at!
Buy it from here: https://hellhathnofuryrecords.bandcamp.com/album/eterno-retorno
Find out more about Perra Vida here: https://www.facebook.com/perravidaHC
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