Hell Hath No Fury Records
‘Riot Grrrl’ – a phrase I’ve heard a few times but never really investigated what it’s all about. I imagined that it would be some sort of L7/Crass/Pussy Riot type of thing. Well, in some ways yes and in others no. Basic Bitches are my first exposure to a band that I’d say could be tagged with being ‘Riot Grrrl’.
Released back in April 2019, ‘Relatable Content’ offers up 4 tracks which are, to be honest, really catchy and a welcome break from my usual listening fodder. For some reason, the vocals are vaguely reminiscent of Minor Threat’s Ian Mackaye, in terms of delivery anyway, with that almost conversational tone in some parts mixed with rage the next. Think more ‘Salad Days’ and ‘Good Guys’ than ‘In My Eyes’ or ‘Bottled Violence ‘and it’s sort of in the right direction.
The opener ‘You Know I’m Right’ delivers a great staccato punchy punky chorus line that stays embedded in the memory. ‘Real Nice Guy’ is all about sleazebag chat-up merchants delivery cheesy lines that are unwanted by their targets and is great stuff indeed. ‘They Oughta Put Us In Lights’ has great sort of Franz Ferdinand feel at the intro and is somewhat softer than the first two tracks. The stand-out track however is the last one – ‘Cat At The Party’, which is infectious with its chorus and whilst being the mildest out of the four is something that could easily become VERY big given half a chance – if they ever decide to do a video for this one, you can bet it will go viral.
All-in-all a great way to be exposed to a sub-genre that leaves this reviewer wanting more, more, more.
Buy it from here: https://hellhathnofuryrecords.bandcamp.com/album/relatable-content
More about Basic Bitches here: https://www.facebook.com/basicbtches
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